Numismatic Programme 2021

Numismatic Program 2021
In parallel with the special commemorative coin series to mark the 200 years since the Greek Revolution of 1821, our regular numismatic programme for 2021 features products on the following themes:
• 2021 Population - Housing Census, a landmark event that coincides with the bicentennial;
• Aphrodite, goddess of love and one of the most popular Olympian deities (in our Olympian Gods series);
• Naxos, the enchanting island (in our Greek Tourism series);
• Portara the trademark monument of Naxos (in our Cultural Heritage series);
• Campanula saxatilis, an endemic wildflower of Crete (in our Endemic flora of Greece series);
• and last but definitely not least, a commemorative €2 coin honouring the bicentennial of the Greek Revolution of 1821.
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