Born in Sinope on the Black Sea, Diogenes was the most significant of the cynic philosophers. In exile, he moved to Athens, where he became a pupil of Antisthenes, disciple of Socrates and founder of the Cynic school of thought. The cynics advocated simplicity, self-sufficiency, austerity, self-knowledge and moral probity. Τhey most probably derived their name from the word cyon (dog), by which Diogenes came to be known, in allusion to his biting sarcasm. In Athens he was said to live in a large ceramic jar and in full daylight would stroll about holding a lantern, claiming to be searching for a (true or honest) man. Diogenes eventually settled in Corinth, where Alexander the Great once sought to meet him. When Alexander inquired whether there was any favour that Diogenes might want of him, Diogenes famously retorted “Yes, stand out of my sunlight”, in keeping with his typical disdain for social conventions and material possessions.
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