Athena, favourite daughter of Zeus, was the goddess of wisdom, war and the crafts. She sprang forth from Zeus’s head, fully grown and fully armed, representing his wisdom and will. In ancient Greek art, she is portrayed wearing a helmet, often holding shield and spear. Worshipped throughout the Greek world, Athena was especially associated with Athens, of which she was the patroness. It was to Athena Parthenos (Athena the virgin) that the Parthenon was dedicated, with its chryselephantine (gold and ivory) statue of the goddess, crafted by Phidias, while the colossal Athena Promachos (Athena the front-line fighter), also by Phidias, watched over the city from the rock of the Acropolis. Her numerous epithets include: Pallas, Polias (of the city), Archegetis (leader), Nike (victory). The olive was her sacred tree, and the owl, represented on the Athenian drachma coins, was her symbol.
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